Massachusetts End of Life Services Resource Guide
--From the Massachusetts Commission on End of Life Care
Dignity Therapy for Dying Patients
--This brief intervention can help conserve the dying patient's sense of dignity by addressing sources of psychosocial and existential distress. It gives patients a chance to record the meaningful aspects of their lives and leave something behind that can benefit their loved ones in the future.
MGH Services Note: Katrina Scott, Staff Chaplain, does dignity therapy work.
Maintaining Compassionate Care: A Companion for Families Experiencing the Uncertainty of a Serious and Prolonged Illness
--MGH Institute of Health Professions; from the conference "Maintaining Compassionate Care, Strategies to Prepare Family and Professional Caregiver Teams for Ethical Dilemma of Caregiving," sponsored by the Kenneth B Schwartz Center, 2007.
Commonly Held Myths About End-of-Life Issues
-- Synopsis of article from HEALTHbeat, Harvard Medical School, September 13, 2014.
The Last Hours of Living- Practical Advice for Clinicians
--MGH Community News, April 2015
How to Communicate With Children on Difficult Subjects Such as Death- MGH Community News, March 2019
Advanced Directives
How to Be There for a Dying Friend- Crucial Learning post
After a Death- For the Loved-Ones
What to Do When a Loved One Dies - AARP
Death in the Family - A Guide to the First Steps to Take -To Do list for loved-ones after a death. From CBS Money Watch and New Jersey Estate Planning & Elder Law Blog
Taking the Rancor Out of Dividing Up an Estate- MGH Community News, June 2008
Is a probate proceeding always required after someone dies? - MGH Community News, February 2015
MGH Parking fee waived -The following protocol was confirmed by Teague Dyer, MGH Parking Operations Manager:
Free parking is available as a courtesy for family members who are here and have just experienced the death of a family member. The social worker (or any MGH staff person on the unit) should call MGH’s Police & Security at 617-726-2121 to inform the dispatcher of the situation. The dispatcher will need: 1) the name of the family requiring free parking; 2) the number of people/cars; and 3) which garage(s) they are parked in. Police & Security will then call the parking attendant in the appropriate garage(s) to alert them that the “X” family will be arriving shortly and should receive courtesy free parking. This should alleviate the need for the family to do any explaining to the parking cashiers at such a sensitive time.
If you experience any glitches with this protocol, please inform your clinical director so she may follow-up with Teague.
-Staff announcements email, Marie Elena Gioiella, December 15, 2020
More info and resources: see our Funeral/Burial Resources page
Also see: Offering Comfort on our Bereavement page